axle load versus total weight

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Bernd Welter
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axle load versus total weight

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hi guys,

One of my partners asked me the following question:
Within the definition of some vehicle properties we gathered a combination of default values that look suspicious to us:
axleLoad = 11500 kg
numberOfAxles = 5
Does this mean that such a default vehicle has a maximum total weight of 57'500 kg? Isn't that too much?
axle question.png
Another question about the axle load: will this be used within routing (xRoute 2, xDima 2) and HPR? in combination with TruckAttributes?
Here's what I would respond:
  • Well, these values are defaults, in fact. I wouldn't assume that each axle of a vehicle creates equal pressure on the road. But you can always override the values one by one if you don't feel comfortable with the defaults.
  • Yes, as mentioned in the VehicleProfile some properties of a vehicle may be used in combination with some of the usecases.
    Vehicle Properties taken from the documentation
    Vehicle Properties taken from the documentation
Here's an example of an axle based restriction (Kloppenheimer STraße between Mannheim and Heidelberg)
Here's an example of an axle based restriction (Kloppenheimer STraße between Mannheim and Heidelberg)
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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