How to avoid special region Kaliningrad?

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Bernd Welter
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How to avoid special region Kaliningrad?

Post by Bernd Welter »


these days I've been asked how a routing could be parametrized to avoid the region of Kaliningrad. Here's my feedback:
I see at least two approaches to achieve this goal with xServer2. BOth are based on GeographicRestrictions
  • Use prohibitedCountries to prevent the route from using segments in the russian country as a whole. This is based on so-called integration units which are "countries (Europe)" or "federal states (USA)".
  • Evaluate the prohibitedSegmentsByIntersectingPolylines if the approach above doesn't match your settings to whatever reason. Maybe a bit more complicated because you would have to gather the polyline of the enclave first. You may look into for this. But be aware that the maximum nomber of polygon points
Here's a sample output:
blue: initial route without special parameters.<br />green: route with &quot;prohobittedCountries&quot;:[&quot;RU&quot;]<br />purple : route with &quot;prohibitedSegmentsByIntersectingPolylines&quot;
blue: initial route without special parameters.
green: route with "prohobittedCountries":["RU"]
purple : route with "prohibitedSegmentsByIntersectingPolylines"

PS: if you look closely you see that the initial blue route is longer and slowlier than the other alternatives and the question may rise "why did you return blue at all?" - this is because of the network malus values. The blue line uses a bigger distance of major roads.
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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