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Flat versus short - little trick

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2024 6:59 am
by Bernd Welter
This is a result of dummy data of a single bin planning:
The prospect then asked me, whether the output could focus on a lower tower height instead of reducing the floor's coverage.
Original bin height: 210cm.
Original bin height: 210cm.
Well, there's no built in target function or parameter for this, but what I applied in the next images was simply reducing the bin's given height: by adapting this value I managed to create an output that matches the prospects goal:
140cm instead of 210cm leads to "no unplanned items, total tower height reduced"
140cm instead of 210cm leads to "no unplanned items, total tower height reduced"
With a 120cm height of the bin a first item remains unplanned.
With a 120cm height of the bin a first item remains unplanned.
The approach reminds me of this fellow from tour optimization...