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Drawing route under road

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:16 am
by Patricia
How can I paint the route that we get after a routing under the roads and streets layer using the routing web service?
Attached there is a screenshot of the local mapserver version 5.3 with wich this was the default paint method for routes that we get after routing.

Re: Drawing route under road

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:28 pm
by Oliver Heilig
Hello Patricia,

in fact xMapServer only provides two basmap-layers: "background" and "labels". If yout want to add additional client-content, like an xRoute polyline, you can either add it topmost or between background and labels.


With xMapServer you cannot interlay content as fine-grained as with MapServer. This is a technical restriction due to the web technology involved. A solution to display routes for xMapServer is to render them between background and labels, but setting the route semi-opaque, so you can also see the underlying road.


We are planning to support this specific use case by introducing a 3-layered base map (background-transport-labels) in the future.
