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Calculating Route with different result routes?!

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:23 am
by peter.detzner

I'd like to know if there is an option to send one request and to receivce different result-routes based upon different features (e.g. distance, time, emission, toll)!?


Re: Calculating Route with different result routes?!

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:50 am
by Bernd Welter
Hello Peter,

you mean a single waypoint list in combination with a set of different parameter sets?
No, that's not possible.

We offer some bulk operations that can be used as shortcuts:
  • calculateBulkRouteInfo
    set of waypoint lists, all routes will apply same options
  • calculateMatrixInfo(startwaypoints:WaypointDesc[],destwaypoints:WaypointDesc[],options:RoutingOption[],matrixOption:MatrixOptions):MatrixInfo
    set of starts multiplied with set of destinations, all routes will apply same options
So the one you asked for is missing :cry: But with a server that has several backend modules you will be able to compute the given tasks in parallel.

What is the exact goal or challenge you want to deal with?

Best regards Bernd

Re: Calculating Route with different result routes?!

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:09 am
by peter.detzner
I'd like to show the user different routes types (e.g. optimized in distance, time, fastest, lowest emission, toll cost), just for information purpose...

Re: Calculating Route with different result routes?!

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:50 am
by Bernd Welter
In this case you have to call calculate[..]Route once per different parameter set to get the required output.
  • calculateRouteInfo : just driving time and distance
  • calculateRoute : same as calculateRouteInfo PLUS polygon, segment info, emissions, manoeuvres...
  • calculateExtendedRoute : same as calculateRoute PLUS toll infos...
Best regards Bernd