Search for house number ranges? Possible? How?

deals with geocoding and reverse geocoding
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Bernd Welter
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Search for house number ranges? Possible? How?

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Jochen,

one of my customer wants to search for house number ranges.

I know that we can return house number ranges by surpressing the house number in the input and by applying the SearchOption STREET_RETURNALLHNR. The challenge in my customers case is the input pattern:
The input address looks like "76131 Springfield, Samplestreet 19-21".

Is this possible with xLocate?
What would be needed to achieve this goal? Business logic? Specific parameters?

How do we process such input patterns?

How does xLocate 2 deal with this?

Best regards,
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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Re: Search for house number ranges? Possible? How?

Post by bocajo »

Hi Bernd

I think it could be possible to return the housenumber range of a street section if the input range (19-21) is the same as in the data (19-21). But what is expceted if the input range (19-21) is just ein part of the data range (15-29) or is in two ranges (15-19, 21-29)?
In the xLocate 2 we have exact addresses if the input range is the same as an exact address the range is returned. I would recomment to check the xLocate 2 maybe the requirement is already fulfilled there ;-)
Jochen Anderer
Manager Engineer
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