FindSuggestion search configuration

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FindSuggestion search configuration

Post by biro.daniel »

Hello guys,

Currently, we are facing the following problems:

1) We would like to get back suggestion for Jämjö, Sweden, while using XLocate AdressSuggest function. If we type 'Jamj' or 'Jamjö' with the correct country code, there is no corresponding suggestion. We get back the correct suggestion only if we use the special 'ä' character. We are using the English language in the request.

We would like to ask you whether there are any parameters to set to get back the corresponding suggestion while using the 'a' without an accent. Not only do we ask for a solution in this case, but in general as well. So, in case of typing o or a, we would like to get back findings with special, language-dependent characters (e.g. ø, å).

2) There are some countries where the used ZIP code format contains spaces. We would like to ask whether there is any opportunity to get back the suggestions for a ZIP code if the request does not contain space. (E.g. sending (SE) '37300' as request the suggestion could be (SE) 373 00?)

Before sending you this ticket, we checked the information about the findSuggestion method on the PTV API. According to that documentation, the settings are undefined in this method: options, sorting, additionalFields are not implemented or supported yet.

- options: SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options. Not supported yet.
- sorting: SortOption[] Additional sort options. Not implemented yet.
- additionalFields: ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned. Not supported yet.

We would like to ask you whether there are any usable searching settings or configuration parameters according to findSuggestion, or these above mentioned parameters exist only for example in case of geocoding?

If the findSuggestion method is configurable, is there any updated documentation about it? If yes, could you please share it with us and support us in understanding the meaning of parameters and the impact of the values?

We are using default Profile in the request, which contains the following parameter:
# Native engine profile. #

This XML contains the below parameters. From these parameters is there any which is used by the findSuggestion request in the xLocate?

Code: Select all

        <AddressInputMode Value="0" Type="long"/>
        <CheckArtificialTownCharacterization Value="0" Type="bool"/>
        <City.OmitCity2 Value="0" Type="bool"/>
        <City.ReturnAllCity2 Value="0" Type="bool"/>
        <Country.CodeType Value="3" Type="long"/>
        <Engine.AddressSearch.Enable Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <Engine.CitySearchTimeout Value="7500" Type="long"/>
        <Engine.CombinedTransportSearch.Enable Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <Engine.MaxResults Value="1000" Type="long"/>
        <Engine.StopOnResultListOverflow Value="0" Type="bool"/>
        <Engine.StreetSearchTimeout Value="7000" Type="long"/>
        <Engine.SuggestionSearchTimeout Value="1000" Type="long"/>
        <ExtensiveSearch Value="0" Type="bool"/>
        <FieldWeight.City Value="40" Type="long"/>
        <FieldWeight.City2 Value="40" Type="long"/>
        <FieldWeight.HouseNr Value="1" Type="long"/>
        <FieldWeight.Postcode Value="40" Type="long"/>        
        <FieldWeight.Street Value="39" Type="long"/>
        <GetAllCity2 Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <GetAllPostcode Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <HNr.DetectRanges Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <HNr.FilterDuplicates Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <HNr.Interpolate Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <HNr.Offset Value="10" Type="long"/>
        <HNr.RangeSeparators Value="-¤/¤" Type="string"/>
        <Intersections.Enable Value="1" Type="bool"/>        
        <Intersections.Separators Value="/¤\¤ at ¤ @ ¤ ecke ¤" Type="string"/>
        <ParetoFilter.TreatAdditionalWordsAsExact Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <ParetoFilter.TreatAsteriskAsAdditonalWord Value="0" Type="bool"/>
        <ParetoFilter.TreatAsteriskWithAdditionalWordsAsAsterisk Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <ParetoFilter.TreatNoMatchAsAsteriskWithAdditionalWords Value="0" Type="bool"/>
        <ParetoFilter.TreatStreetAdditionalWordsAsExact Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <ParetoFilter.TreatStreetAsteriskAsAdditonalWord Value="0" Type="bool"/>
        <ParetoFilter.TreatStreetAsteriskWithAdditionalWordsAsAsterisk Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <ParetoFilter.TreatStreetNoMatchAsAsteriskWithAdditionalWords Value="0" Type="bool"/>
        <Postcode.Aggregate Value="0" Type="bool"/>
        <Postcode.Exact Value="0" Type="bool"/>
        <Postcode.LengthDifferenceMalus Value="0" Type="long"/>
        <Postcode.Missing0Malus Value="1" Type="long"/>
        <Postcode.NearestMatch Value="0" Type="bool"/>
        <Postcode.NumericalMalus Value="10" Type="long"/>
        <Postcode.Prefer Value="0" Type="bool"/>
        <Postcode.RepPostcodeMalus Value="7" Type="long"/>
        <Postcode.SpaceMalus Value="1" Type="long"/>
        <PreferFirstWordMatches Value="0" Type="bool"/>
        <PreferStreetOnCityStreetConflicts Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <Preprocessor.WordSeparators Value=" ;-_,.()/\[]:{}=?!$%&+~#|<>'"�" Type="string"/>        
        <Region.CheckState Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <Region.CodeType Value="6" Type="long"/>
        <Result.Language Value="DFT" Type="string"/>
        <Score.MaxDeltaToBest Value="100" Type="long"/>
        <Score.MinFieldScore Value="75" Type="long"/>
        <Score.MinPostcodeScore Value="90" Type="long"/>
        <Search.Binary Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <Search.Fuzzy Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <Search.Phonetic Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <SingleFieldSeparators Value="," Type="string"/>
        <Street.HNrPosition Value="3" Type="long"/>
        <Street.ReturnAllHNr Value="0" Type="bool"/>
        <Street.SplitHNr Value="1" Type="bool"/>
        <Weight.MissingWordFactor Value="15" Type="long"/>
        <Weight.Threshold Value="75" Type="long"/>
Thanks in advance,
Best regards
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Bernd Welter
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Re: FindSuggestion search configuration

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Daniel,

I transferred your question to our development for a statement.

Best regards,

Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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Re: FindSuggestion search configuration

Post by bocajo »

1) the replacement of an ä, Ä or ö, Ö in swedish is probably ae or oe and not only a or o ;)
2) As far as I know there is no possibility to configure the FindSuggestion.
Jochen Anderer
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Bernd Welter
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Re: FindSuggestion search configuration

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hi there,

I made a simple test:
Jämjö found via Jaem...
Jämjö found via Jaem...
Jämjö.PNG (7.6 KiB) Viewed 6850 times

So this looks promising for question #1.

For question #2 we do not have a solution so far. The format of the index is fix.
But I'll forward that topic to the xLocate team for future solutions.

Thanks so far,
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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