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BreakRule breakPeriod1 & breakPeriod2

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 12:50 pm
by i.kobeissy

I need to clarify something in the documentation of the BreakRule, let's say that we are using the EU regulations for
drivingPeriod = 4h 30min
beakPeriod1 = 15min
breakPeriod2 = 30min

does this means that after 16200 of uninterrupted driving, xTour will always add a break of 45 mins, but it might split it into 2 tourEvents of 15 and 30 ? this means that we will never add a single break of 15 min or a single break of 30 min ?

if the above is not correct, then based on what criteria xTour decides to put a 15 or 30 or 45 min break ?


Re: BreakRule breakPeriod1 & breakPeriod2

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:30 pm
by Bernd Welter
Hello Ibrahim,

to get an experts answer I forwarded your topic to Frank/Alex from the development team.
My own response is based on this:
As decribed in Tour Optimization a la PTV there is a clear priority list of goals we optimize. So when you apply the given values we are allowed to compare solutions with
- single 45min break
- splitted into 15/30mins breaks

For example solutions based on split breaks may open potential to reduce total tour length e.g. by aligning the breaks to opening intervals or by using short passive service for a split break.

Does this already answer your question?

Best regards,

Re: BreakRule breakPeriod1 & breakPeriod2

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:20 pm
by Bernd Welter
Here's some more feedback from Frank:
The customer's assumption is correct.
After a driving time of 4:30 there has to be an aggregated break period of 45 minutes.
There's only the chance of a first partial 15min break if a waiting period or a passive service allows this. After that there has to be another 30min break after not more than 4:30 driving time.
If the driving time exceeds 4:30 you won't face an exclusive 15min or 30min break.
Best regards,

Die Annahme des Kunden im Forum ist korrekt.
Nach 4:30 Fahrzeit muss insgesamt eine Pause von insgesamt 45 Minuten eingehalten worden sein.
Die erste Teilpause von 15 Minuten kommt nur dann, wenn eine Wartezeit oder ein passiver Service das erlaubt. Danach muss zwangsläufig spätestens nach insgesamt 4:30 Fahrzeit die restlichen 30 Minuten genommen werden.

Es gibt nie nur 15 oder nur 30 Minuten Pause, wenn die gesamte Fahrzeit mehr als 4:30 beträgt.

Re: BreakRule breakPeriod1 & breakPeriod2

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:19 am
by i.kobeissy
Hello Bernd,

as usual it's crystal clear, thanks you and also thanks to Frank

Best regards