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PTV Developer: Track zombies

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:00 pm
by Uwe Schuster
We do run a lot of interfaces 24/7 and have seen the strangest things in TCP/IP communication. In connection with PTV Developer I have the following questions:

What happens when we do not delete map matching tracks with deleteMatchedTrack?

The usual call sequence is like that:
1st: createMatchedTrack
2nd: getMatchedTrack polling for the ID from the response of the first call till the status is SUCCEEDED or FAILED and not longer RUNNING
3rd: deleteMatchedTrack for the ID from the response of the first call

Given there is an issue, that interrupts that sequence, then there will be track zombies that no one will cleanup.

Re: PTV Developer: Track zombies

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:57 pm
by Bernd Welter