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axle load versus total weight

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:53 pm
by Bernd Welter
Hi guys,

One of my partners asked me the following question:
Within the definition of some vehicle properties we gathered a combination of default values that look suspicious to us:
axleLoad = 11500 kg
numberOfAxles = 5
Does this mean that such a default vehicle has a maximum total weight of 57'500 kg? Isn't that too much?
axle question.png
Another question about the axle load: will this be used within routing (xRoute 2, xDima 2) and HPR? in combination with TruckAttributes?
Here's what I would respond:
  • Well, these values are defaults, in fact. I wouldn't assume that each axle of a vehicle creates equal pressure on the road. But you can always override the values one by one if you don't feel comfortable with the defaults.
  • Yes, as mentioned in the VehicleProfile some properties of a vehicle may be used in combination with some of the usecases.
    Vehicle Properties taken from the documentation
    Vehicle Properties taken from the documentation