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Request HPR driven routings / matrices in xServer2 Internet

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:03 pm
by Bernd Welter
Hi there,

I recently faced several players who wanted to compute distance matrices / routings in xServer Internet 2 (test / prod) as quick as possible and who therefore parametrized their calls with the routing mode with an insufficient request like this one:

Code: Select all

  "startLocations": [
  "destinationLocations": [],
  "storedProfile": "car",
  "distanceMatrixOptions": {
These players relied on the com.ptvgroup.xserver.routing.RoutingType to ensure the HPR usage. :!: But: in fact this is not sufficient!

Please take some time to understand the following mechanism:
  • Using that routing type tells the engine to look for a matching search graph: If the search is successful, the routing applies the HPR. If the search fails, the engine performs a fallback to CONVENTIONAL routing which is compareably slow.
  • Now many users are aware that we have standard graphs, e.g. for a car profile.
  • But what you need to understand is that ALL routing options have to match the graph and when we offer a "ZZ-EUR car with truck attributes" graph this means that the request above would need two inserts:
    • The feature layer theme PTV_TruckAttributes has to be added and enabled.
    • The geographic restriction to ZZ-EUR needs to be added.
So the following request returns a HPR based result and performance:

Code: Select all

  "startLocations": [
  "destinationLocations": [],
  "storedProfile": "car",
                "enabled": true
  "distanceMatrixOptions": {
          "allowedCountries": ["ZZ-EUR"]
Also check this article about Standard Search Graphs
